Please Complete the Application Form for the FAST-TRACK Skills Bootcamps in Digital Marketing - Starting on the 13th Jan. (with sessions on Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays), until 27th February

Please ensure you read all the instructions & eligibility criteria before completing this form

1) Contact details

2) What course are you applying for?

Please select the relevant course

3) Eligibility Questions - this will determine if you are eligible for a free place (these questions are all compulsory)

You will need to show evidence of your right to work, such as your passport or visa. Please provide details above e.g. passport or Visa number, or confirm you will provide at your screening interview
You need to watch 3 full days each week for Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays for 6 weeks, plus 9-10am on Fridays (for the webinar). You will be required to provide a record of what hours you watch live.
How quickly do you want to take up a new job or placement opportunity in digital marketing?
Do you have disabilities or long-term health conditions that impact your ability to work? (We will ask you details about this later)
Do you have any caring responsibilities for children or other adults?

4) Personal information - this is used by the DFE to ensure that the learners are from a diverse group of applicants

5) Education & Qualifications - this is used by the DFE to understand learners' current educational level and to monitor any improvements

How would you describe your overall digital marketing knowledge?

6) How you earn a living and your salary

What was your most recent salary (please input total yearly earnings before tax i.e. gross)? Alternatively, put in your average weekly or hourly wage. If self-employed, please quote average monthly profit for the last quarter. If you do not receive a wage, write N/A

7) Your current employment status and future aspirations

Which of the following currently applies to you?
If you are employed, what will be your expected employment status on the day prior to beginning the bootcamp

8) About your employer (or your company if you are self-employed)

What is your or your employer's company name? Unemployed - please write N/A. Student - please write that you are studying followed by the name of your University or College.
1st line of the address of your company or employer, i.e. the local or regional office of where you work. If you work at home, enter the head-office or registered office. Unemployed or student please write N/A
Town or city of your company or employer. Unemployed or student - please write N/A
Select the county of the address of your company or employer.
What is your current company size, based on the number of staff?
If applicable, or if you know, what is your business or your employer's approximate annual turnover (for the last financial year)? Self-employed - please can you also provide this information as a monthly average for the last quarter. Unemployed or a student - please tick the first box (N/A). Please select one.

9) About your occupation and current role

How would you describe your current occupation? Unemployed - please state your last job role (if applicable). Students - please select the type of occupation you are studying to join

10) Your manager

If applicable, please provide your manager's name. This should be someone who can authorise your training and/or the funding of the course.

11) Additional information and permission to contact

If you agree to take part on the bootcamp (by signing your contract), you will be required to provide feedback on the course and evidence of career progression. This will be during the course (4 months) and for 6 months after the course has finished. Data collected in this survey will be collated (anonymously) and used to provide evidence of local training needs and demands for the bootcamp across each region. After the course, Anicca and/or the the local funding organisation, may also like to ask you for additional feedback on the course, any suggestions for improvements or to volunteer to provide a case study etc. Please provide your consent below or opt out to be contacted after all the evidence has been supplied:
In addition to this information - I am happy to share my information or being involved in surveys from the DfE Please provide your consent below or opt out: